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Hospice Care

Inpatient Hospice Care in New Jersey

Hospice care, also called comfort care or end-of-life care, is one of the most valuable services that we can offer to you and those closest to you. Our multispecialty General Inpatient Hospice (GIP) team is devoted to providing not only the best possible medical care, but also to understanding the specific emotional needs of families and their loved ones. Our goal is to provide everyone in our care with comfort, compassion, and dignity.

Understanding Hospice Care

Most medical practice is devoted to curing illness, but hospice care is different. The goal of our department and our GIP team is to address the symptoms that cause discomfort via medicine, counseling, and dedicated care tailored to your specific needs. The end of life can be an extremely difficult time for both patients and their families, and we will do all we can to provide help and comfort to everyone in need.

Our Hospice Staff

Because our goal is not only to ease physical symptoms but to also provide emotional and psychological support to the families of those in our care, our team is made up of more than medical professionals. Our GIP hospice services team includes:

  • Certified health aides
  • Chaplains
  • Dietitians
  • Hospice medical director
  • Hospice nurses
  • Social workers
  • Your personal physician

In addition to the expert treatment provided by our professional staff, we also create personalized, comfortable rooms for inpatient care. This allows you and your loved ones to feel more at home as you spend time with each other.